
Chapter 11 Study Guide:

What are the four materials to keep bodies functioning? 

•   Water:   serves as a coolant and thermal regulator
•   Energy sources:   needed for muscles to move, power the brain/nerve muscles
•   Raw materials:   needed to make new bone, blood, enzymes, muscles, hair, and cells
•   Metabolic regulators:   needed for enzymes/hormones to control metabolism and other

The difference between malnutrition and under nourishment?
Malnutrition occurs when a diet lacks a proper mix of nutrients, but the energy may be adequate.
Undernourishment occurs when the daily caloric intake is insufficient for metabolic process.
Ex.) Eating Junk

Three types of macronutrients:
Carbohydrates:   an organic compound that consists only of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, usually with hydrogen: oxygen atom ratio of 2:1 (as in water).
Fats: a class of lipids which contains the most concentrated energy source in the body, protects and insulates organs, and retains body heat.
Proteins: Polyamides (polypeptides) built from a long chain of amino acids. Proteins are found in hair, muscles and skin.

Be able to distinguish between monosaccharide’s, disaccharides, and polysaccharides (3 types of carbohydrates):
Monosaccharide’s: Single sugars that come in ring and open forms.
ex.) Glucose and Fructose
Disaccharides consist of two monosaccharides which are joined by the process of dehydration synthesis (during while a molecule of water is formed)
ex.) Maltose, Lactose, Sucrose
Polysaccharides: polymers of carbohydrates, three or more monosaccharides joined together through the process of dehydration synthesis. (many sugar units)
ex.) Starch, glycogen, and cellulose.

Examples of Saccharides:
Saccharides are sugars; glucose, fructose, starch, celllose

What is fat, the purpose of fats in the body, and where its found in nature/food?
Fats are classified as lipids which contains the most concentrated energy source in the body, protects and...