Chauvinism and Sexism

Little Tiffany was sitting alone on a bench while she watched a couple of guys play football. When she was asked why was she alone she responded, saying, “My brothers won’t let me play because I’m a girl.”

And so, little Tiffany introduces us the constant topic of chauvinism and sexism that affect the lives of millions of girls, women and, surprisingly, men as well. “Some animals are more equal than others,” (Orwell 134). In this case, men are more equal them women, or that’s the general belief in chauvinism and sexism.

These days, we live in a society where everybody is equal. Are we, really? Does society really sees a man and a woman as equals? Most people would agree that they are. However, what is chauvinism and sexism in a community where people are ignorant of these issues? Can women really get high job positions with the same opportunities as men, socially?

It is a common known fact that society does not view men and women alike. They have gender role expectancies. Traditionally, men are supposed to work and earn money for the household while women are supposed to stay home and raise the family.

According to Daniel Cohen’s article “Chauvinism, Sexism, and Patriarchy”, “society still sees motherhood as women’s primary role, and girls are molded to be mothers.”

That’s true since little Tiffany is left alone to play with the dolls given to her in hope, unconsciously, to raise her maternal instincts. Meanwhile, her brothers are given cars, guns, construction toys, and sport encouragement to increase their “masculinity”, or at least what society defines masculinity as.

Our community, however, is ignorant of the daily acts of chauvinism and sexism. We’ve stopped thinking too deeply about things and just accept them as they are, even if it’s not the best. Like marriage, for example, what does being married mean, though? Is it really just for a man and a woman to start a family together in partnership and love? What does this means for...