Characteristics of Leadership

Unit 1.1 Understand the characteristics of effective team leadership

1.1.1 Identify the principles and characteristics of leadership

Principles of leadership

Effective team leaders should know how to direct, delegate to and support their team in order for them to succeed.   The team leader should be able to recognise the most effective principle that is suitable for the task and the team members skills.   For example, in my organisation, a team leader would need to organise and control the work of the team when we experience higher than usual call volumes, ensuring each team member is working on the right switch at the right times.   An example of delegating is when I would choose a team member to represent the team and their views in a Care Forum, empowering them to take responsibility for owning this activity and feeding back to the team.   An example of supporting my team members would be offering guidance to an individual who is not sure where to direct a complex customer complaint.

Characteristics of Leaderships

Forward Thinking

The most effective leaders know and understand their mission and why their organisation exists and are able to communicate this with their team.   However, this alone does not mean a leader is forward thinking.   Forward thinking leaders have the ability to look past the day to day tasks, creating and engaging their people in a shared vision which will drive their team or organisation forward.


The ability to inspire others is a core characteristic of a good leader.   Inspirational leaders have the ability to generate a sense of shared vision through everything they say and do.   Inspirational leaders are role models that other look up to and aspire to.


When we talk about effective leaders being competent, it does not mean that the leader should be able to complete every task or role in their organisation.   It is more their ability to have an overarching awareness of the tasks involved and...