Changing Landscape

Analyze the changing landscape of the health care system.
Yvette Thompson

Veronica coleman
Analyze the changing landscape of the health care system.
Yvette Thompson

Veronica coleman

I decided to research Walmart as my local retail and grocery store since I am a consumer in buying my household supplies, grocery shopping and quick physical exam and all within reasonable amounts, as well as kill two birds with one stone sort to speak. For numerous of years Walmart has managed clinics that lease out space to a clinic professional within the health care field. Walmart is definitely watching the grown health concerns within communities as well as the world and is now called the Walmart care clinic. I believe Walmart marketing strategy and concepts work is the convenience, financially feasible, and accessible to the majority.
Analyze the changing landscape of the health care system.
“Now, the scope of services in our clinics is quite a broad one for the retail setting. It includes all of the preventive care that you’d expect in a primary care setting.”(Holt, Matthew) The clinics at Walmart behave in the same mannerism as any other clinic would for flu, virus, and blood pressure and can do laboratory test and results the only exception is consumers with extensive health conditions. Walmart clinics offer good health care reasonably just like there other products.
Differentiate the various places health care is delivered.
Health care is delivered in several different types of settings such as hospital, doctor offices, Walgreens and Walmart. The clinics are still in operation with physicians that oversee details and make sure state and federal laws are followed. Individuals choose facilities based off the plans and coverage they offer, if there is a deductible or not, how financially feasible and is the facility located within distance to their home.

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