Change Exam Essay

Concepts of Change/Thesis- Change is inevitable, cannot control outcomes which can be positive or negative.

INTRO: Change is inevitable; outcomes of change can be positive or negative. Through the study of JG Ballard’s Empire of the Sun, Animal Farm based on George Orwell’s novel and the poem, The Door by Miloslov Holub examine different concepts of change and the outcomes are able to be explored.

BODY 1: Change is inevitable throughout a person’s life, events and catalysts determine the nature and degree change consists of. Jim, the protagonist in Empire of the Sun is affected by war when his hometown Beijing is invaded by the Japanese. War acts as a catalyst to Jim’s development and independent growth. Naive and unable to accept the harsh reality of war, Jim holds fast to his few possessions. The loss of his house and material items results in Jim tightly keeping hold of things in a small suitcase. Symbolism of the suitcase represents Jim’s feeling of nostalgia. An example of change is when Jim lets go of his suitcase symbolising the change where he no longer requires materialistic possessions. “The suitcase floated away like the box of a Chinese child’s coffin.” The technique of the simile further reveals Jim’s change in his language and his constant thought of death. Strong emotive language such as greasy tape, blood and pus paint a visual image of disgust and dirt which contrasts to Jim’s higher class house. The catalyst of war represents hardships in one’s life to which they become inevitable to change.

BODY 2: The negative outcome of change is explored by the composer in Empire of the Sun and Animal farm. Both texts view a world on the state of collapse due to conflict. Change comes at a cost to the individual. In Empire of the Sun, Jim loses his innocent childhood. Throughout the text, food is used as a symbol as he transforms into a scavenger for hunger. Emotive language is used to describe the surrounding sight of sallow skin and protruding...