Certificate in the Principles of End of Life Care

NCFE Level 2
Certificate in the Principles of End of Life Care
Q1 Outline the factors that can affect an individual’s views on death and dying, including (1.1):
a) Social factors  
People are living longer and tend to die in hospitals or care homes, therefore death is more 'hidden' from society so people are more reluctant to talk about it or plan for it. Age also has an impact on how we think of death, as we get older we become more uncomfortable to discuss it. However most people prefer to live at home for as long as possible, proving adequate care is in place, but do not wish to die alone. The worries are different for the different genders. Males tend to worry more about the financial implications for their family whilst females tend to be more concerned with being a burden.

b) Cultural factors  
A persons cultural beliefs will greatly affect how they think of death. Different cultures have different outlooks on death and dying, for example some believe it is a beginning not an end. Some cultures believe in talking openly about death whilst others consider in impolite or disrespectful to talk openly about it.

c) Religious factors  
There are many different religious beliefs about death and dying. Many people will find comfort and support in their beliefs, gaining strength from their religion. A persons religion may define how they view death and dying, and how they deal with it. There are an enormous amount of differing beliefs, some believe in an afterlife, other in re-incarnation, whatever their beliefs it is important to recognise this when dealing with a person and their care plan.

d) Spiritual factors  
Everyone has some sort of spiritual belief towards the meaning, value and purpose of their lives. These will affect their outlook on death and dying. Our experiences during our life, such as our relationships, family and friends, any pets we have had and our interests and hobbies, will give us a sense of achievement or regret,...