Celta Analysis of Form

Analysis of Form, including relevant phonological feature. Include Q/Neg forms if appropriate | Analysis meaning/use (you can use illustration/ timeline if appropriate).Suggest a Teaching Context to introduce/ practice the target language and give an example sentence | Concept Questions | Anticipated problems(Forms + pronunciation) |
Glasgow is far nicer than Edinburgh.It’s a comparative sentence.                     Something/someone +   verb (in correct tense) + much/far + comparative (than)+ something else or clauseWhich one is nicer, Edinburgh or Glasgow? Edinburgh is not as nice as Glasgow. | We use comparatives to compare things (noun and noun phrases) to say one thing is different from another or has more or less of a feature or quality than another thing.Teaching context-Weather and season comparison,e.g.Summer is a much better season than winter in Britain.Real objects e.g.- wrist watch or mobile phones, shops or brands. | Between the two cities, which one is better Edinburgh or Glasgow? | S’s use more with one-syllable adjectives.E.g. - He is more big than me.S’s use –er as well as more.Allan drives much more faster than Tom.S’s use as instead of than.Lucy is taller as me.S’s use very with a comparative.Her new home is very bigger.S’s can make a possible mistake with writing than, which could be mistaken for then. |
Analysis of Form, including relevant phonological feature. Include Q/Neg forms if appropriate | Analysis meaning/use (you can use illustration/ timeline if appropriate).Suggest a Teaching Context to introduce/ practice the target language and give an example sentence | Concept Questions | Anticipated problems(Forms + pronunciation) |
I should have studied harder!We use the modal verb should to talk about obligation.Should have done something = You did not do it but it would have been the right thing to do.It’s a sentence using the third conditional   (main clause)Should have + past participle Should + to infinitive Interrogative...