Ccld Level 2

Assignment 005 Child and young person development
Task 1:   Assessment Criteria 1.1
Table 1: Physical development
Age range | Description of the Stage | An example of how this impacts on another aspect of development |
0 – 3 months | Beings to interact and become more aware of surroundings. More confident in movements | If the child is not interacting to their surroundings it can affect their social skills as they won’t know their surroundings and who’s in it |
3 – 6 months | Stronger as the child can hold itself up for a short period of time without support .the Childs curiosity develops | It can affect their emotional skills as they can get annoyed and upset if they can’t keep themselves up for long |
6 – 9 months | Now can sit up with no support. More interactive with the others around it. becomes more mobile | Being interactive with others can affect their social skills as it can develop a stronger bond with people around him/her |
9 – 12 months | Can now feed itself. Strength in legs build as the child begins to try walking. The Childs curiosity has developed also as the child can point to objects with the index finger and also uses fingers and thumbs to pick up small this age the child begins to drink from a cup and will try to eat solid foods using their fingers and spoons | It can affect their emotional skills because if they were unable to fed themselves they would depend on their carer and will get upset when hungry and not be able to feed themselves |
1 – 2 years | Can now co-ordinate its fine and gross motoring skills to a great extent. | If they could not co-ordinate their skills it would affect their intellectual skills for they wouldn’t be able to do things like puzzles |
2 – 4 years |   Can now process more complex tasks by using their manipulative skills. Controls movements more skilfully. Toilet training may begin | It can affect their social skills for if they weren’t toilet trained other children would make fun if...