Ccld 304

Reflection can enhance and use personal experiences to increase confidence and self-esteem, because reflecting on your work involves critically thinking about what we do in our work, analysing how we do what we do and questioning why we do it that particular way. After reflecting on this, we can improve on current practice to make it more effective.
We need to challenge our practice to determine and find ways of improving practice, this is helpful in expanding our knowledge, re-examining our values and attitudes and develop our skills.
The techniques of reflective analysis and what is involved in each area:
• Questioning, why, why and how – questioning all areas of your practice, including why and how we do what we do.
• Seeking alternatives – Searching for alternative practice methods which could improve on current practice.
• Keeping an open mind – Being open to new methods which can improve practice and accepting the possibility of change to current practice.
• Viewing from different perspectives – It is important to look at your practice through the eyes of others, being more open minded to what change is needed and accepting that other peoples’ opinions are important, as they may have different and better ideas for change.
• Thinking about consequence – Taking into consideration the affect that change may make, this includes good and bad change that may occur. This is important, because thinking ahead can help to minimise a bad change or help you realise that change is good and can be very beneficial.
• Testing ideas through comparing and contrasting – Testing different ideas is a good method of seeing if the changes are an improvement on current/previous practice, then changes can be adapted where needed to make them even better.
• Asking ‘What if?’ – Looking into and questioning different methods of practice is important because you are being open minded to new techniques and considering whether they will provide better practice or...