Cb Project

Project Guidelines

This group activity will be evaluated on the basis of 10 marks. Criteria for evaluation are as follow:

      Methodology = 2 Marks
      Field Work = 4 Marks
      Presentation & Team Co-ordination (10 minutes) = 4 Marks
Submission: Filled questionnaire and other proof of authenticity such as recording of interview and so on. (one or two day before presentation).

Date of Presentations

Group 4,5,6,11 = 13-10-11
Group 7,8,9,13 = 20-10-11
Group1,2,3,10,12,14 = 3-11-11

Group -1

You have to conduct survey (40 consumers) by formulating structured questionnaire for knowing about the below mentioned aspect:
What type of the following would be best suited for each cell in table.

Television programme

Present your understanding in the form of below mentioned tables.
|Stages in the Decision Process     |Family members involved             |Family members’ Motivation and     |Marketing Strategy and Tactics     |
|                                   |                                   |Interest                           |                                   |
|Problem Recognition                 |                                   |                                   |                                   |
|Information Search                 |                                   |                                   |                                   |
|Alternative evaluation             |                                   |                                   |                                   |
|Purchase                           |                                   |                                   |                                   |
|Use / Consumption                   |                                   |                                   |                                   |
|Disposition                         |                                   |...