Causes of the American Civil War

Evaluate the Social consequences of the Industrial revolution in the period 1815-1848, with specific reference to two of the following: Great Britain, France, The German States, The Netherlands/Belgium.
In Western Europe, small scale manufacturing had been the norm for centuries. The economy depended greatly on the production of tools, pots and pans by men and women working in small scale workshops. In the early 1800s; however, the industrial revolution transformed the way many Europeans lived. More sophisticated banking systems made it easier for entrepreneurs to acquire the capital required to produce goods on a larger scale. Europe underwent a period of rapid urbanization at this time as the number of people living in cities and towns increased rapidly with the development of the railroad and steamship, better roads also helped to expand the market.
But what was the human cost of such a rapid transformation? “Poor migrants flooded into the cities, which burgeoned as never before. Conditions of life in gritty industrial towns were appalling”. Wild accounts of the horrible conditions in which men, women, and children were forced to work in factories and mines began to reach the public
Britain is at first sight a capricious starting-point, as the repercussions of the Industrial Revolution did not make themselves felt in any unmistakeable way outside England any earlier than 1830 or thereabouts. It was not until about 1840 that the great stream of official and unofficial literature on the social effects of the Industrial Revolution began to flow from troubled and appalled observers from Europe and the USA The revolution in technology and in the organization of production had a phenomenal impact on the societies in which it happened. The people most affected were those whose destiny it was to spend their lives digging the coal or operating the machines in factories. This was probably the biggest changes to occupation or in physical environment humans would ever...