Case Study

Running head: CASE STUDY

Case Study
University of Phoenix

Case Study
    A copyright is a law that was passed to protect authors of books, magazine articles, plays, movies, songs, dances, recordings as well as ideas. In order to protect ones copyright, he or she must register with the Copyright Office in Washington, D.C. with two copies of the work. This is the only way an author can protect his or her work. For 70 years the work is protected under the copyright law. Anyone or any company that wants to use this protected work must first be issued a license from the copyright holder. Usually a fee of some type is contracted and the license user is free to use the copyright work. Unfortunately, sometimes two companies will have a dispute as to the protected work and how it is distributed. Especially now with the internet and the ability to have file-sharing using peer to peer networks.
    What is peer to peer networking? This is the ability of computers being able to communicate directly with each other but not using a central server. A peer to peer computer network uses connectivity between users in a network. The bandwidth of the users is a cumulative bandwidth rather than a conventional central server. This allows digital files to be transferred from one computer to another at a fast rate. Digital music or movies can be shared from one user to another via peer to peer networking. The problem with this type networking is the sharing of copyrighted music and videos. ("Peer-to-peer", 2008)
    The factual and historical background of the dispute.
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio Inc., which is a group of moves studios and other copyright holders, sought damages and an injunction against Grokster and other software companies. The responders sued the respondents for copyright infringements. The responders alleged that the respondents knew and intentionally distributed their software in...