Career Advancement

Career Advancement: An Argument for the Pursuit of an MBA

Career Advancement: An Argument for the Pursuit of an MBA

      From a very young age many children in households across the world are taught that education is an instrument for future success. These theories regarding higher education are often associated with numerous studies that suggest that advanced education decreases the chance of lower socioeconomic status, poorer health statuses, increases marketability and career opportunities and aids in experiencing a sense of complete life fulfillment. Various scholars, philosophers, politicians and famous person’s name education as responsible for their higher levels of success. “Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation” (John F. Kennedy). This week’s assignment asks the student to support an argument on the decision to pursue an MBA degree to further a career, start a new career, or achieve a personal goal. In order to support the argument it is imperative to explore the motives that contributed to making the decision to pursue an advanced degree. The rationale for pursuing and advanced degree is quite simple; higher education affords those individuals who seek higher learning the ability to become stronger role models in their families and the community. Advanced degrees silently command professional respect and create the opportunity to earn higher than average salaries. Those who obtain higher levels of education are more likely to systematically solve complex problems in business and their personal lives and most importantly higher education affords the individual the feeling of self-worth as well as possessing a sense of accomplishment. In choosing a career path I found the most important issues were to choose a degree that would challenge my intellect and...