Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment
The definition of Capital Punishment is; the death penalty or execution is the killing of a person by judicial process for retribution and incapacitation.   Included in this paper will be statistics of murder rates along with personal opinion to validate and support this position.
Capital Punishment
Capital Punishment or the Death Penalty as defined by the American Civil Liberties Union is the ultimate denial of civil liberties.   Another definition would be The Death Penalty or Execution, is the killing of a person by judicial process for retribution and incapacitation (Miriam Webster 2009).   I call this “an eye for an eye”.
The United States has had this practice in place for many centuries this practice was reinstated by US Supreme Court moratorium and then upheld in 1977 with certain conditions.   It is the ultimate penalty for a human being convicted of a very heinous crime, usually first-degree murder or another very violent crime against another human being.   The Death Penalty is a judicial process and a result of a jury of one’s peers convicting another in a court of law.   A life is taken because of the severity of the crime committed in this ultimate sentence.
    Should the United States continue to use the Death Penalty?
It is my opinion that the Death Penalty be instituted in very heinous crimes to include murder in the first degree, premeditated murder, and very sick and sadistic crimes against children involving death.   I do not see any viable reason that the persons convicted of these crimes should be allowed to live out there days while being taken care of by everyone’s tax dollars.   While opponents say that, it cost less to house a prisoner for life ($1 million for 50 years avg.) then to execute ($2 million avg.) this is one of their primary arguments in not taking a life (Time Magazine, 1994).   When the United States Supreme Court abolished the Death Penalty between 1972 and 1976, research...