Can Ducati Sustain Its Position in the Sport Segment? Can Honda and the Other Japanese Manufacturers Stop Its Growth in This Segment?

Please answer the following questions for class on Thursday, January 21st. Hard copies are due in class at the beginning of class. Per the syllabus, this assignment will be graded using a 3 point scale, with 3 indicating excellent preparation, 2 satisfactory preparation, and 1 inadequate preparation. You will receive a 0 for late submissions.

Use a maximum of 3 pages (single spaced 11 pt font minimum). This may include some bullet points and potentially a table for the cost analysis.  

Remember, while you can discuss the questions and case with classmates, this assignment should done independently and reflect your own work.

Also remember, if you need help you can visit the TA during his office hours.  

Case preparation questions:

1) How and why did the personal computer industry come to have such low average profitability?

2) Why (please explain) has Dell been so successful despite the low average profitability in the PC industry?

3) Prior to the recent efforts by competitors to match Dell (1997-1998), how big was Dell's competitive advantage? Specifically, calculate Dell's advantage over the team of Compaq and a reseller in serving a corporate customer.   If you need a couple hints on how to get started, please click on the links below. HOWEVER, try to make headway first before you look at the hints.

4) How effective have competitors been in responding to the challenge posed by Dell's advantage?   How big is Dell's remaining advantage?

Case 3: Ducati
Please answer the following questions for class on Thursday, January 28th. Hard copies are due in class at the beginning of class. Per the syllabus, this assignment will be graded using a 3 point scale, with 3 indicating excellent preparation, 2 satisfactory preparation, and 1 inadequate preparation. You will receive a 0 for late submissions.

Use a maximum of 3 pages (single spaced 11 pt font minimum). This may include   bullet points, figures, or references.

Remember, while you...