
Question 1. Definitions of paid & unpaid work plus examples:

- Defined as “the production of goods or services that is undertaken for payment”.

Paid work is money received in form of salary, wages, or commission or via indirect means such as use of company cars, bonuses, and shares.  

- Defined as “an activity involving the production of goods and services for which someone could be paid, but has been performed without payment”.

Unpaid work includes community and volunteer work. It also involves individuals participating in work experience which allows people to learn new skills at a workplace without being paid.

Society relies heavily on volunteer work. Volunteers are crucial to organisations such as meals on wheels, bush fire brigade and sporting clubs.

Question 2. Name the laws that relate to equality in the workplace and explain what these laws mean for each gender?

The following federal and state legislation covers workplace diversity and equal opportunity in Australia, it applies to all genders:

The Australian Human Rights Commission Act
The Age Discrimination Act
The Sex Discrimination Act
The Racial Discrimination Act
The Racial Hatred Act The Disability Discrimination Act
The Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012
The Fair Work Act and National Employment Standards (NES)
State-based anti-discrimination and OH&S laws

The Workplace Gender Equality Act.   – Equality is achieved when people are able to access and enjoy the same rewards, resources and opportunities regardless if they are male or female.

The aim of gender equality in the workplace is to achieve broadly equal outcomes for women and men.. 

To achieve this requires workplaces to provide equal remuneration for women and men for work of equal or
comparable value.   The removal of barriers to the full and equal participation of women in the workforce.
Full   access to all occupations and industries, including to leadership roles for women...