Cache Level 3 - 4.1

Unit 3 – 4.1
It is important that you are aware of the signs, symptoms and indicators of child abuse; because when you see child is not happy or there is a change in personality then this could raise concerns that a child is being neglected or abused.
There are different types of signs and symptoms , changes in behaviour and indicators that this abuse is occurring, these are:
Physical abuse, bruises to the eyes, mouth, or ears, fingertip bruising (grasp mark), bruises of different ages in the same place. Outline bruises (hand prints, belts or shoes). Bruising on babies. Burns bites and scars or unusual shaped scars and fractures.
Neglect- undernourished, dirty skin and hair, dirty or soiled clothing, inappropriate clothing for the weather, hunger and stealing food, tiredness, being withdrawn, being left unsupervised and not being given any medical care.
Sexual abuse- recurrent urinary infections, genital and rectal itching and soreness, inappropriate behaviour regarding age and ability, inappropriate level of sexual knowledge, and sexual abusive behaviour toward others, lack of trust, regression, become isolated and withdrawn.
Emotional abuse, low self-esteem, attention seeking behaviour, nervous behaviour, continual rocking, hair twisting, delayed development, and self-mutilation.
Physical abuse is when a child is physically hurt or injured. Hitting, kicking, beating with objects, throwing and shaking are all physical abuse, all of these can cause immense pain and broken bones or in worse cases, death.
Emotional abuse occurs when children aren’t given love and attention and are neglected. They may be constantly yelled at, criticised and blamed and told that other children are better than them, have low self worth which can lead to depression, which then affects development.
Neglect, is when a child isn’t looked after well, and their parents or any other carers do not provide them with proper food, warmth, shelter, clothing, care and protection.