Cache Level 2 Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools

TDA 2.8 Support children and young people’s health and safety

1.1 Using the Health & Safety At Work Act 1974,The Children’s Act 1989,Every Child Matters (Green Paper) and RIDDOR Regulations. The School along with the LEA uses these Acts/Regulations to provide a safe environment for pupils, staff and visitors
To minimise the risk to pupils the School has implemented many procedures, these include locking of gates after 9am, entry is then only available through Reception/Office Entrance. All visitors are signed in and out and must state purpose of visit, during their visit all forms of mobile technology data transfer is to be switched off and the taking of pictures prohibited unless authorised by the Head Teacher. Within the classroom all electronic devices are checked on a regular basis and labels attached detailing dates of last check/next check. All Emergency Exits are kept clear at all times and floors are kept clean and free of clutter. Any equipment which is to be used during the day is checked before use to ensure it is fit for purpose.
At the start of each school day a register is taken and logged electronically this is then checked again after lunch. A paper copy is also available which is used in the event of an emergency. If an emergency arises and the classroom needs to be evacuated, all pupils follow a pre planned route out into the playground and meet at the assigned location, the class teacher then performs a register against the paper copy. Selected members of staff then quickly check classrooms to check for any children left in the setting. All staff are First Aid trained and if an accident occurs then First Aid is given, this is followed up with a slip of paper detailing the accident and treatment given this is for the parent/carer. The School Accident Book is then filled in.
In relation to RIDDOR any incident/illness which is covered by this is reported to the Head Teacher. The Head Teacher then reports to the LEA and any emergency...