Business Law

Ethical dilemmas implicate unethical decision-making; however, behaviour conditions person’s ethical reputation. Jen faces with the ethical dilemma of obeying her promise or taking QBank’s offer. Jen had promised to keep both Diane and Helen in employment; however, QBank offered to buy her premises. This paper shows possible applications under the normative ethical theories of Ethical Egoism, Utilitarianism, Kantian Ethics and Virtue Ethics to Jen’s dilemma, and ends with concluding and explainable remarks.

Ethical Egoism
Firstly, under Ethical Egoism, self-interest is the basic principle to gain benefits. Jen has two available courses of action. First is to sell her florist shop, second is not. Before taking any action, Jen ought to think of what benefits will satisfy herself the most. Taking the first action, Jen will gain a managerial position from QBank which will satisfy her short-term self-interests; however, taking the second action, Jen will gain an excellent reputation for fair decision-making in long-term. Normally, the foresight determines the degree of benefits and Jen ought to undergo a short-term sacrifice before experiencing a long-term reputation. Therefore Jen will decide not to sell her florist shop to maximise her own long-term self-interests. Afterward the next topic will discuss the Utilitarianism.

Secondly, under Utilitarianism, the action is moral when the happiness outweighs the sadness. Jen has two available courses of action. First is to sell her florist shop, second is not. Taking the first action will benefit Jen’s involvement because she will gain a managerial position from QBank; her son’s transportation to special school will last; and QBank’s customers will find the new branch easily. However, Jen is under no obligation to Diane and Helen at this stage. Conversely, taking the second action will only benefit both Diane and Helen to stay in employment. Of the two possibilities, former is more likely...