Bureaucracy and You

Bureaucracy and You Gerald Washington POS 110 7/24/2011 Timothy Dale Bureaucracy and You The Bureaucracy regulates my life in many ways from the time I wake up till I go to sleep. The Federal Bureaucracy job is to achieve specific goals. The federal bureaucracy has roughly about 500 departments, agencies, administration, authorities, and commission that we use in our daily life. There are many jobs the Bureaucracy preformed. Like most Americans we think we pay too much in taxes and how the taxes go to things that we the people don’t need. The federal bureaucracy is working for us in many ways, one way is like when we wake up by a clock you know the time is right because the National institute of standards and technology keeps the official time. We the people take these things for granted like the use of our cell phones, satellite television, and wireless computers, these things are possibly because of the federal communications commission. Another way the bureaucracy help us in our life is the food and drug administration. This agency helps with keep the food safe for us to eat. It is nice how I can prepare myself on what kind of weather we are having. A glance outside where it shows ominous clouds. I go to my local news and check the weather. This tells us how we track bad or good weather. The National Weather service is the ones where we get the information from and we take it for granted. I know I go to work during the week and really don’t worry about my rights and wellbeing at work because of the safety and health act, which they work to protect you from unsafe and unhealthy work conditions. The laws protect me from discrimination based on race, gender, religion, national origin, or disability. There are many more jobs that the federal bureaucracy has that protect our everyday life that we take for granted and which I have a different viewed of how we are protected. The bureaucracy that surprises me the most is the FDA, The Food Drug Administration. This is...