
Bulimia in the Most Common
When the television is turned on or a magazine is being opened, it is most likely there is someone beautiful on the screen or paper looking at you. These beautiful people have slim waists and ideal curves and are plastered all around us. They are also one of the reasons why the majority of women in the United States put themselves through drastic eating disorders, like bulimia nervosa, to be beautiful too. Approximately 85% to 90% of people who suffer from eating disorders are women, and unfortunately I have contributed to this percentage. The American Psychiatric Association suggests that among those with bulimia nervosa, women outnumber men ten to one.
The word bulimia is derived from the Greek words bous (ox) and limos (hunger), literally translating into “hunger like an ox”. Bulimia nervosa is considered a psychiatric disorder in which a person will eat a large amount of food in a short amount of time, then proceed to make themselves vomit what was just recently consumed. This term is often referred as binging and purging and can be a continuous or short termed cycle. A binge is different for all individuals. For one person a binge may range from 1,000 to 10,000 calories, but for another, one cookie may be considered a binge. Other forms of purging besides self-induced vomiting can involve laxative abuse, excessive exercise, fasting, diuretics, diet pills, and enemas. No matter what form is taking place, it can lead to serious problems like dehydration from purging, chronic bowel problems from laxative
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use, tooth decay from excessive vomiting, low blood pressure, swollen salivary glands, permanent heart damage, and even death.
      Bulimia is common in modern westernized cultures and can happen to anyone. It most commonly appears between the ages of 15 and 20, but can develop earlier or later on in time. It is somewhat difficult to distinguish someone with bulimia because they usually maintain a normal body weight or...