Bottlenecks in a Process

In week one I identified a process I perform daily and would like to do less of. The process is driving to work.   To be more specific, spending less time driving is ultimately my goal.   I am looking to find the most efficient method to do so.   I have identified various bottlenecks in the process that prevent me from my goal. A bottleneck is a resource that is overloaded (more work than capacity) during a particular period of time (
    To further break down this task I used Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints. A constraint is anything that prevents the system from achieving more of its goal (Chase, Jacobs & Aquilano, 2006).
Theory of Constraints uses a 5 step process, called a ‘Process Of On-Going Improvement’ to improve any system. These steps are called the 5 Focusing Steps. (
Step 1. Identify the System’s Constraint(s).
Step 2. Decide how to Exploit the System’s Constraint(s).
Step 3. Subordinate everything else to the above decisions. 

Step 4. Elevate the System’s Constraint(s). 

Step 5. If in the Previous Steps a Constraint has been Broken, go back to Step 1

    Traffic bottlenecks can be caused by a wide variety of things. A construction zone, where one or more existing lanes may become unavailable. An accident site can also temporarily close lanes. A highway that turns from two lanes to one reduces the capacity of cars therefore reducing the flow of traffic at a consistent speed and rate. These are examples of System Constraints.

    After a couple of weeks of tracking my driving, I realized that checking the traffic report before leaving my home was not enough to overcome the bottlenecks.   According to Chase, Jacobs & Aquilano, bottlenecks can cause a restriction of throughput (defined as sales).   In my case, bottlenecks have a direct impact on the time I am able to spend selling.
    I realize I have no control over the flow of traffic and the reasons why...