Bottleneck in Daily Processes

Bottleneck in a Daily Process

The daily process of leaving my home and going to work is a task that I struggle with on a daily basis. From the time that I wake up until the time I leave my house to begin my trip, I am faced with obstacles that are the source of stress in my daily process.   With the use of an evaluation that I have conducted in addition to a flowchart that provided detailed information that indicated the presence of a bottleneck, I will utilize Goldratt’s theory of constraints to overcome the challenges that I face in my daily processes.

Before the challenges of the daily processes are overcome, bottlenecks will have to be identified that represent the source of stress in the daily processes. I have identified the main bottleneck within my daily processes and it comes in the form of my lack of preparation that causes significant delays, prohibiting me from leaving my house in a timely manner. I spend time that could be used more constructively in the other areas that results in the primary cause of the bottleneck.

Using Goldratt’s theory of constraints, I have decided to make changes to my method of daily preparation. Instead of a morning preparation that consists of functions that take up time in a limited window, there will be steps taken to target processes that lack in preparation and execute them the day before. Processes like, ironing clothes, preparing the babies bottle and checking the house for safety are time-consuming process that can be completed when more time permits. After making the changes to the process, there will be a total of 20 minutes that vital to the overall morning process that prohibits me from reaching work in a timely manner. Using Goldratt’s theory, I will now be able to use my time more constructively in the morning and in addition, I have relieved the bottleneck that has plagued me from performing my morning processes more efficiently. I will now no longer be under the tight time constraints that were...