Bismarks Control of Germany

Much like Cavour had been for Italy, Bismarck was a strong political figure that helped the state of Prussia eventually take over all of Germany and unify it. He did this through mostly using a mix of diplomacy and well thought out stratagem.

On the Macro Scale the diplomacy that Bismarck employed with other nations such as Russia were pivotal in the German unification process. When Russia invaded Poland in 1863 Prussia refused to defend them and by doing this was able to make strong ties with Russia. Bismarck already knew about the bad blood between Austria and Russia due to the Crimean war and used this as an excuse to further stress the strain that had been put on the relationship. This ally however would also become useful during the Franco Prussian was when trying to isolate France as Bismarck was able to use his diplomacy skills to make sure Russia stayed out of it.

But Bismarck also made very influential ties to France and Italy; to France he promised that he would help them invade Belgium if they agreed to ally with Prussia and to Italy he promised to give them Venetia and Military aid as long as Austria initiated an attack on them. Europe was suddenly looking very barren of allies for Austria. Bismarck’s diplomacy in these years ensured that Austria would be isolated and that they would have to fight by themselves a significant disadvantage. Again deals made 1863 ensured Italy would not help France when the Franco-Prussian war broke out despite them technically being France’s allies.

Bismarck was also able to stop Austria gaining more power within the bund, which would have given them a large say in German politics. Bismarck for obvious reasons didn’t want this to happen so appealed to the bund that the electorates would be voted on by the Diet (German parliament).In the end neither side got what they wanted however it had been seen as a victory for Bismarck as he was able to stop Austria gaining any more power, showing that unless for Bismarck’s...