Birth to 19

Outcome 1
Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to nineteen years using the following headings. Physical, social and emotional, communication and intellectual.

Physical Development

0 to 3 years old
When babies are first born they have little control over their bodies. By 6 months they   turn their head to sounds and movement, smile at familiar faces and voices and   put everything in their mouths .Their movement is dependent on a series of reflexes, as they grow their movement develops and these actions are called ‘Gross Motor Skills’. They include crawling, sitting, pointing and jumping. By 12 months old they start to learn to have more control over their bodies, most children by this age have developed these skills such as rolling, crawling and turn and look up when they hear their name.
By their second year they should have better control of their movements and most children start to walk. By controlling their movements better they are able to sit alone indefinitely, hold small items in their hands, such as rattles, and start dressing and feeding themselves as well as showing preference for one hand. They may also be able to play ball and climb furniture.
In their third year, some children start to use crayons and pencils to colour and paint these skills are called ‘Fine Motor Skills’. At this age they should be able to use a cup. They will also be more confident in walking, running, kneeling to play and pouring liquids.

Outcome 1
Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to nineteen years using the following headings. Physical, social and emotional, communication and intellectual.

3 to 7 year olds
At this stage, children will have more co-ordination. Their will have developed their fine motor skills such as cutting, writing and drawing. Between 3 and 4 years, old they can jump with feet together, walk on tip toes and thread beads on a lace. Between 5 and 7 years old, they can...