Birth Control

Assisted Reproductive Technologies, also known as ART, are methods to achieve pregnancy by artificial means. It is reproductive technology used primarily in infertility treatments.   “They include an array of techniques and medications, arrangements and procedures, all designed to help an individual or a couple reproduce and have a child of one’s own” (Shannon, 2009).   Such technologies include techniques such as in-vitro
fertilisation (IVF) and intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) as well as Artificial Insemination.
People might want to regulate their capacity for parenting or regulate their infertility that prevents parenting by using Assisted Reproductive Technologies for many reasons as stated in Shannon’s assessment of “controlling reproduction”.   One reason is that “one or both the individuals in the relationship are infertile.   There may be a genetic risk involved in a couple’s decision to conceive.   This risk may come from one or both individuals being carriers of a specific disease-related gene.   Alternatively, one or both individuals may actually have a genetic disease.   And lastly, some people seek assisted reproductive technology not to reproduce but to be compensated for “donating” their gametes or their wombs” (Shannon, 2009).
Controlling births, whether it be achieving or inhibiting birth, are caused mainly on one’s self-interests.   Some of the reasons why people may want to achieve birth in their own self-interest is because it enables infertile people to achieve pregnancy or people who could not reproduce without ART to conceive babies using their genomes.   This way, the babies can be born with at least half of the genes of one of their familial parents.   ART produces babies that even contain genetic material from both of their parents.   Another good thing about ART is that it enables women with damaged reproductive systems or men suffering from sexual dysfunction to conceive babies.   Assisted reproductive technologies also enables couples...