
English History and Memory
History and memory are both interdependent forms, collating with one another. They present reflections on the past to build our future.
Good morning students, today I am here to help you explore how composers use textural forms and features to represent the complexity of “history and memory”.
The quotation “History is memory; we have to remember – if we dare, and we should dare – it is not abstraction, it is the enemy of abstraction”, this encapsulates my understanding of the complexity of history and memory. This quotation by Stephen Fry, explores certain ideas such as the different aspects and alterations of our memories of history.

History does not tell the full story of events, individuals focus on their perspective, creating history to be a personal memory.  
Between the two texts, the film, directed by Stephen Frears, The Queen and the Film, Big Fish directed by Tim Burton, my thesis encapsulates both films representations.

The Queen reflects concepts of collective memory and historical myth. The film depicts the worldwide grief following the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, and the role of Queen Elizabeth.
It incorporates both fictitious elements and documentary footage into the story.
The scriptwriter, Peter Morgan, acknowledges that he wrote about the issues from his imagination, although he also researched media coverage of Diana's death, read a number of royal biographies and 'interviewed many insiders, from all the various royal and political camps'.
Frears and Morgan collaborated using actual documentary footage, reconstructed documentary footage and an imagined world of the royals all contribute to a reality effect, and the filmic world is carefully constructed.
Dianna’s death occurred at a key moment in Britain's political history: the New Labour government had recently been.  
The director portrays Dianna as the “People’s Princess”, as his own personal view on how the public viewed the princess,...