Belonging- the Turning by Tim Winton

A sense of belonging can emerge from the connections made with people, places and the larger world. It is these connections that influence where we search for meaning in our lives and ultimately, where we belong. “The Turning” is a collection of short stories by Tim Winton where the main characters experience a kind of insight or defining moment, as shown in ‘Big World’ and ‘Immunity’. Directed by Michael Weisler “Missing her” is a short film of how everything you have ever loved except for one thing is left behind. Tim Winton uses a variety of literary and visual devices to express the short stories. Michael Weisler uses visual and audio techniques to show the belonging to someone or a group.
A sense of belonging can affirm a sense of self. Once you’re accepted by someone or a group you then support others. This can be seen in ‘Big world’ as it displays it through “after five years of high school the final November arrives and leaves as suddenly as a spring storm” sibilance and simile is used to as time flies by when you’re in school you forget that it finishes in an instant “like a spring storm”, “Exams. Graduation.” It evokes how Winton portrays reality through going to school and suddenly graduating.   The narrator “dreams of escaping, of pissing off north to find some blue sky” as a symbol of hope gives the narrator want to find someplace where he can belong to as his childhood consisted of Tony Macoli whom was the bully who bullied the narrator to becoming an outcast at the school the narrator went to. He then becomes friends with Biggie whom “to be honest he’s not really my sort of bloke at all, but somehow he’s my best mate” as friendship is tested and tried sometimes proving strong and sometimes fracturing. Later on the trip “I hang up and fid biggie talking to a chick with a backpack the size of an elephant saddle” Winton uses exaggeration and sarcasm to illustrate that the backpack is very large and that the narrator is being negative about it that “my...