Behaviour Perspective


John Watson argued that thoughts and feelings are less important than the observable behaviour so his argument was that psychology should become the scientific study of behaviour. Thoughts, feelings and emotions, are not capable of being measured and therefore should not be considered as valid subject matter for scientific psychology.
Classical conditioning
As you lie on the dentist chair and see all the equipment around you, you might feel frightened-even though you are not in pain.
Why is this?
You are imagining that you will feel pain because of what is around you which makes you frightened-you making a connection between the stimuli of the dentist and the pain of the drilling. This is classical conditioning.

Classical conditioning evaluation
Classical conditioning report for some research in none of human spaces. This is not big important in term of human behaviour.
The pavlovian experiment
He could reliably predict that dogs would salivate when food was placed in the mouth through a reflex called the “salivary reflex” in digestion. Yet he soon realized that, after time, the salivary reflex occurred even before the food was offered.
Because the sound of the door and the sight of the attendant carrying the food. Pavlov continued experimenting with the dogs using a tone to signal for food. He found that the result matched and the dogs had begun to salivate with the tone and without food.
Operant/instrumental conditioning
People behave in certain ways because of rewards and punishment,
The best known example was carried out by SKINNER (1901-90), He put a rat in box which holds a level. When ever the rat pushes the level a food will appear, the rat understood and associate between pushing level and the food, so the rat began to push the level more and more.

These are two important types of effective reinforcers or rewards. Primary reinforcers are stimuli which are vital for survivors such as food and water. The other stimuli are secondary...