"Before the Rain", "Clouds" and "Mist Upon the Placid Morn" Comparison

“Before the Rain” by Thomas Bailey Aldrich is a short poem describing the scenery of nature just before it is about to rain. It contains simple but delightful imagery as opposed to “Clouds” by Rupert Brooke, who uses much deeper and more detailed imagery to describe the various roles that clouds play in nature.
The third poem “Mist Upon the Placid Morn” by Mark R Slaughter, uses detailed and somewhat graphic imagery to describe the role of autumn in preparing the world for winter.
Thomas Bailey Aldrich (1836-1907) was an American poet, Novelist and playwrite. In his poem before the rain he is using an almost conversational style to express that feeling one gets when it’s about to rain. It talks of the subtle hints nature throws out to indicate to us that it is going to rain. It has a mild suggestion of nature having a sort of hypothetical intelligence, whereby it knows when it is going to rain. The poet is also getting across that nature is a beautiful sight shortly before it rains. The poet keeps a relaxing, gentle tone until he intensifies the poem intensifies, becoming more aggressive, with the mention of lightning.
There is not particular rhyme scheme the poem, despite various rhymes being found throughout the poem. He makes use of external rhyme in lines two and four of the first stanza and lines one and three and five and seven in the second stanza. He also makes use of imperfect rhyme with words like “morn and down”. He uses visual imagery, particularly when he talks about the “The spirit…lowering it’s golden buckets down…scooping the dew that lay in the flowers, dipping the jewels out of the sea, to sprinkle them over the land in showers”. He also uses personification here, giving the spirit human like capabilities. He further personifies nature when he says ‘the poplars showed the white of their leaves, the amber grain shrunk in the wind’ as if they knew what was coming and we taking defensive protective action.   He finishes with the more powerful imagery...