
Topic: A professional ballet performance and everything that a ballerina puts into it.
Title: A Professional Ballet Performance
Organizational Pattern: Topical Pattern
General Purpose: Inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience on what goes into dancing in a professional ballet performance.
Central Idea: The life of a ballerina while preparing for a performance, regarding costs, rehearsals, and the scene backstage.

  I. Attention Getter: Would you spend around $100 on a tennis shoe that is only going to last for a week?
  II. This pointe shoe serves the same purpose to a ballerina as a tennis shoe does to an athlete.   Maybe some of you have attended a ballet performance, but surely you are not aware of all that was put into that performance, including the many months prior.   The details are beyond the audience’s perception.
  III. I have been training in ballet since the age of four and have performed in at least 90 performances throughout my life.   I have also performed with many professional ballerinas throughout the years and have learned a great deal from them.
  IV. I am going to be discussing today three aspects of a ballet performance that many times are unknown to the public, such as: rehearsals, the costs paid, and the behind the scenes back stage during a performance.
  I. There are many reasons for the countless rehearsals required for a successful performance.
      A. A dancer does not only rehearse to learn the choreography, but also to increase their stamina and flexibility, perfect the steps, and learn to take on the role they were given.
        i. Regarding group numbers, rehearsals teach dancers to dance as a whole rather than individually.
      B. Rehearsals also serve the purpose of bringing the storyline together through run-thrus and tech. rehearsals.
        ii. Run-thrus allow the dancers to run through the entire performance to make sure the storyline is clear and the choreography is...