Ball Mill Work Principle You Want Konw

A safety shear ring 45' is mounted in a groove in the ring 44 and engages the underside of the flange 45 and suspends the shaft. In the event of a sudden overload caused by jamming of rocks in the crusher the ring 45' will shear and relieve the stress.

A water bell 47 is arranged over the end bearings of the shaft and pours water downwardly on the outside of the central boss of the top frame ring. This water pours into the converging hopper formation between the upper crusher ring and the upper cone,ball mill principle and crushed rock is washed downwardly, flowing over the bevel 8 of the member 5 into a trough 48 surrounding the member 5 which carries off the ground material.It will be understood that in the operation of this machine, as the shaft is rotated in its fixed bearings the eccentric sleeves obliquely mounted 76 thereon carry the bearings engaging therewith, upon which the crushing cones are supported, in an eccentric oblique oscillation, thus rolling the cone members around into a varying spaced relationship with the surrounding crusher rings.

These eccentrics can be adjusted to regulate the spacing to any desired degree by the shifting of the cone crusher members on their supporting members, and in the comparatively rapid movement of rolling oscillation, the particles of rock are gripped and crushed and the finest ground particles filter through and are finally carried away in the trough 48.

ball mill principle: