Back in the Day

Back in the Day When I Was Young... Thank God I’m Not a Kid Anymore
D’Angelo Burgin
PSY 202
Professor Framan
May 10, 2011

Back in the Day When I Was Young... Thank God I’m Not a Kid Anymore

As a child I, like most children thought that life was easy and Mom and Dad were infallible.   All problems can be solved with a bowl of ice cream or a piece of my favorite candy. Scrapes and bruises would heal from a gentle kiss from Mom or Dad. I knew that family was as constant as the moon in the night sky. Mankind's ageless teacher; time, had many lessons in store for my “tabula rasa.”   (Witt & Mossler, 2010, 2.1) Through the events of my life, the theories of cognitive development weren’t realized as I was going through them but, as I relate these stories and reflect on how I was influenced,   I now know that I am very much like the rest of mankind. Only with a more personal touch to it.

The most challenging part of growing up is learning that Mom and Dad make mistakes. My first exposure to my dad’s imperfection was found shattered all over our dining room floor. The day prior, I observed the dismantling of my family through an opaque barricade. Not knowing what was truly going on, I dismissed the feud between my parents as a storm that would soon blow over. The next morning, my brothers and I woke up, descended the stairs and headed for the kitchen to, most likely, have some cereal only to be met by a mine field of broken wedding china. It was sprawled across the floor of the room adjoining our kitchen. The mistake, in my five year old mind, was the broken dishes. Through maturation and cognitive development, the way I processed the information of shattered remnants of my parents marriage my father’s mistake was leaving his family. (Witt & Mossler, 2010, 1.2)

I learned of my mother’s fault making ability on what seemed to be a normal day. It struck me strange that my mom would extend an invitation for me to go to a friend’s house, who I...