Avoiding Plagiarism

International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJAET)
                                                                   ISSN: 2231-1963
Please note that authors are exclusively responsible for the contents of their submissions. Each author is kindly asked to ensure that the submitted paper respects the ethical standards concerning plagiarism. All received papers are thoroughly checked for plagiarism. During the editorial process the submitted manuscripts are also examined using plagiarism detection software. Any paper proved as plagiarism (by either peer reviewers or staff editors, before or after acceptance, during editing, or at any time before publication) will be rejected and its authors will be informed and banned from publishing in the IJAET. If plagiarism is detected after publication, the editors will notify readers of the infraction through an editor's note in the journal, and the author's employer may be notified of the breach.
Please avoid self-plagiarism: if the submitted paper is based on an author's own previously copyrighted work (i.e. conference proceedings), proper reference should be given for the original text.
Avoiding Plagiarism
Manuscript writing in for international journals is filled with rules that Author often don’t know how to follow. A working knowledge of these rules, however, is critically important; inadvertent mistakes can lead to charges of plagiarism or the unacknowledged use of somebody else’s words or ideas. A charge of plagiarism can have severe consequences, including black-listing from the journal. This article, which mainly reflects IJAET policy, is designed to help Authors to develop strategies for knowing how to avoid accidental plagiarism. The heart of avoiding plagiarism is to make sure you give credit where it is due. This may be credit for something somebody said, wrote, emailed, drew, or implied.

Types of Plagiarism
Without citing source
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