Australian Voice

How has the composer created voices to reveal the thinking of the characters?

Australian voice is defined as a representation of Australian identity through the use of language. Composers use various forms and features to reveal the thinking of the characters. These are presented well in the texts ‘Komninos by the Kupful’ and Alex Buzo’s play ‘Norm and Ahmed’.
‘Hillston welcome’ presents the curiosity of the character about strangers. The form of this poem is a half dialogue which only shows the perspective of the main character, the typical Aussie bloke, thus the readers know what he is thinking about. The speaker’s constant use of colloquialism allows the readers to experience the diegetic effect, so readers can imagine how the speaker is talking, which helps them to reveal the thinking of the character. The poem begins with the question “What are ya?” This directly expresses the character’s curiosity of the stranger’s identity.
‘Thomastown talk’ shows that the speaker is upset about the police and wants others to listen to his story. The form of this poem is a monologue which only shows the main character’s perspective, thus readers can reveal the character’s thinking easily. As the speaker complains and criticises the police, the culture of back-talking is presented. The poem uses the first person narration and is punctuated by frequent repetition of the phrase “believe me” which shows that he is trying to convince the listener of the validity of his viewpoint. He also uses the constant repetition of ‘mate’ in order to keep the listener’s attention and to make sure that the speaker and listener share the same thoughts on the topic.
Alex Buzo’s play ‘Norm and Ahmed’ has two opposite characters with different cultural backgrounds. As the name of ‘Norm’ suggests, he is a typical Aussie bloke and Ahmed is an Indian international student. Norm has a thought that he is more superior than Ahmed and says things that will impress him. As the text type is a play,...