Augmented Reality



  1. What is the difference between virtual reality and augmented reality?

Over the years, with technological advancement at its high, reality is no longer real. Its fundamentals have been fragmented to create two new versions of reality. Contrasting reality in its very element, first came virtual reality, away from what is known and far from what is considered to be real to open a portal into a “parallel universe” where all that can be imagined can be real.

By definition, virtual reality (VR) is a term that applies to computer-simulated environments that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world, as well as in imaginary worlds. It had its time, especially in the 1990s, perhaps culminating with Second Life in the decade that just closed. But with the rise of the digital era, it really has lost its glory. It’s more like “been there, done that” now. People have already moved onto the next “big” thing that technology have to offer – augmented reality.

Augmented Reality (AR) is an environment where a real life is enhanced by virtual elements in real time. The purpose of AR is to enhance the information we naturally receive through our five senses, by adding superimposed, constructed virtual elements to bring complementary information and meaning that may not be possible to see by natural means. 

Although the transition between virtual and augmented reality all blurs at one point with reality itself, given the growing usage and popularity, but they can still be differentiated. There are certain key elements that distinguish the two.

  * Augmented reality embeds digital information into real-world contexts, while virtual reality creates digital contexts that behave in ways that mimic real-world analogues.

  * When you engage augmented reality, you are engaging an ordinary place, space, thing or event...