Atomic Model

“Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” -Niels Bohr.   The Quantum Mechanical Model of the atom is the most current model of the atom. The model is based of quantum mechanics and finds the location of an electron in an atom. This model states that there are seven possible energy levels in an atom. The Quantum Mechanical Model does not have a defined path. All of its electrons are in a cloud structure.
John Dalton born September 6, 1766 was an early proponent of the Atomic Theory. The five main points of Daltons Atomic Theory are atoms of given elements are different from other elements can be distinguished from one another by their relative atomic weights. Two, all atoms of a certain element are identical. Three, atoms of one element combine with other atoms to form chemical compounds. Four, atoms cannot be created, divided into smaller particles or destroyed in the chemical process. Five, elements are made of atoms. Dalton determines that each element corresponds to a unique atom and develops chemical symbols based on atomic mass. Dalton’s theory underwent some modifications from then to modern day. Those modifications included divisibility, destruction, radioactive decay, and isotopes of atoms and diatomicity of gases.
J.J Thomson discovered that atoms have particles known as electrons. His discovery came through his exploration on the properties of cathode rays. His experiments that he conducted before coming to the conclusion of his “plum pudding model” was the constructed Crookes tub with and electrometer to one side. The significance of the cathode rays was that the negative charge was inseparable from the rays. His second experiment where he investigated whether or not the rays could be deflected by the electric field. Thomson’s third experiment before coming to his conclusion was the measurement of the mass to charge ratio. He came to the conclusion the atom was made up of corpuscles swarming in a sea of positive...