
Following BERA (2004, p.8) all names have been changed to ensure anonymity. Consent has been given by the child and parents. The child and parents were told that they could stop at any time.
In this assessment I decided to write an analytical account of one child’s progress in some specific areas of learning and development over a period of one month. I decided to observe the same child that I chose for TMA03. The child is a 24 month old boy who has a twin brother and the observations were carried out at home or in a familiar environment for the child in order to allow him to behave as usual.
The areas in which I observed child A were the areas of personal, social and emotional development, and communication and language. My observations threw up many areas for analysis; I have focus on some of the most interesting ones.
Part 1
Key elements of one child’s learning
Behaviour and self-control
Children around this age began to understand that sometimes they need to share things with other children and that there are things that belong to other people (DCSF, 2008, p.35); they also need to be able to create positive relationships and in order to do so they need to practice self-
control and understand how their actions affect themselves and others (Study Topic 17, p.118).
In observations 2 and 4 in general we can appreciate how child A doesn’t deal easily with situations when he has to share or take turns. His emotions overwhelm him and he is not able to control himself.
Over a period of one month I carried out a series of activities to aid his social development (appendix 3, activities 1, 4). In observation 5 we can observe a better predisposition in terms of sharing when in line 8 he agrees to give the toy back to child B and he seems happy to have done so. I would argue that child A achieved this goal because the activities were carried out in a familiar environment and as the work of Margaret...