Assignment 302 Task B

Assignment 302, Task B


When a student feels excluded, bored or that they're not “getting it”, it's hard for learning to take place, if at all.

The purpose of this is to explain some of the factors behind these common feelings learners can experience - and how we can minimise them so that learning can take place and students feel happy and included.

There are many barriers to learning that will affect individual students in different ways. For the purpose of this assignment, we will focus on those that we should consider when planning a lesson.

These are: teaching and learning approach, resources, and assessment method.

If the individuals in the learning group are not considered when choosing approaches, resources and assessment methods, some – or all – of the learners will not be able to learn effectively.

So it's important to select different teaching and learning approaches, as well as different resources and assessment methods, to meet individual learners needs. This is part of an inclusive teaching approach, ensuring no learner feels left out or excluded.

To do this, we need to differentiate our approaches, resources and methods of assessment when teaching. This is so we recognise the individual's needs, and use these needs to help shape our session plans, without individualising absolutely everything.

The idea behind differentiation and inclusive learning is to allow students to learn in ways that are comfortable for them, according to their learning style.

b & c.

Considering this, I'm going to plan my microteach, selecting the teaching and learning approaches, resources and assessment methods best suited to differentiate learning styles and include all students.

Teaching and learning approaches:
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