Assignment 301 Principles of Communication in Adult Social Care Settings

Assignment 301 Principles of communication in adult social care settings

Task A Question and Answers

A1Identify four different reasons why people communicate.
People communicate to:
  express needs and feelings,
  share ideas, opinions and information,
  give instructions and encouragement,
  socialize and ask questions.
A2 Explain how effective communication can affect relationships in an adult social care setting between:
a) Colleagues and other professionals,
b) Individuals using the service and their carers.
Effective communication is important as it helps to pass clear, concise, informative and accurate information in order to decrease and eliminate the possibility of mistakes and risks to the people I am working with.
a) Let alone, a carer did not pass the information of broken hoist and faulty sling. And later on another carer made an accident using it. It will create distrust and unfair relationship between team members for the lack of effective communication.
b) A service user informed a carer about something in secret and request him to keep that secret. And carer exposed it to everyone. It will create disbelieve and break the relationship between service user and that carer.

A3   Identify three ways of finding out the communication and language needs of an individual. For each method, describe how effective it is at establishing the needs of the individual.
Observation - by observing someone closely can be realised which language should be used, or whether there is any disability or illness. If there is a learning disability or hearing or visual impairment then particular method or style of communication should apply for establishing effective communication.
Studing previous records or care plans - previous records and care plans helps to identify the individual's particular illness or disability and what kind of support does individual need to establish in order to accomplish the communication and language needs....