Assignment 201

Principles of communication in adult social care settings.
Assignment 201.
Task A.
Non-verbal communication- forms of communication that do not use words (e.g. body language).
Objects of reference- objects that have a particular meaning for a person (e.g. a special ring or ornament).
Symbol- an item or image that is used to represent something else.
Verbal communication- forms of communication that use words (e.g. conversation).
People communicate for different reasons, to portray their feelings, emotions, pain, opinions, worries or many other reasons.   The communication could be professional (formal), or personal (informal). It is important within a social work environment that information is recorded, as it may be called upon for legal reasons. All communications are confidential, and on a “need to know”, basis. Communication between colleagues is essential, so that it ensures a continuity of care for the client, and all staff are aware of the current needs of the client.
Observing will be viewing their body developments, the tone and conveyance of their voice, the genuine verbal reaction (or the absence of it), and other physiological signs that the other party may be illustrating.
Watching the other party is essential so you will have a thought on whether the individual is occupied with the topic, in the event that they are deceiving cover a bungle, to check whether there is a reason to the subject you are attempting to talk about, to check whether they comprehend, or you're both comprehension.
You may not even have been advised heretofore, and the individual you are attempting to correspond with is hard of hearing, or quiet, you know.
The individual may be in agony and on the off chance that they are, there is a square to the correspondence methodology and you can likewise establish that by sharp perception.
On the off chance that the individual is reluctant to answer any inquiries, or make any remarks or inquiries, they may...