Assign 203

Task b
Bi) Direct discrimination can be less favourable treatment, which includes harassment or bullying. Comparably similar legal definitions of indirect discrimination and harassment apply in respect of sexual orientation, religion, age, gender and disability.
indirect discrimination generally occurs when a rule or condition, which is applied equally to everyone, can be met by a considerably smaller proportion of people from a particular group, the rule is to their disadvantage, and it cannot be justified on other grounds. The law applies to employers and providers of education or training
Bii) Direct discrimination may occur in a care home by a service provider only supporting a female, only support someone of their own culture and refuse to give personal care to males or not include everyone in a group activity.
Indirect may occur in a way whereby a service provider is thinking everyone drinks tea so only offers tea, by giving a service user a shower daily but not offering a bath or see if they would prefer just a wash or not making reasonable adjustment which can exclude individuals with disabilities.

  Failing to provide religiously appropriate food when catering – indirect discrimination on grounds of religion or belief
  Failure to provide gender appropriate services – indirect discrimination on the grounds of sex
  Offering services only at a limited time which conflicts with various religious observances – indirect discrimination on the grounds of religion or belief

Biii) By supporting an individual’s diversity by recognizing their differences and valuing them and their individuality, by supporting individuals equality, treating a person equally, by including them in all group activities and encouraging individuals to express their views and opinions, by not treating anyone differently due to their background, ethnicity, culture, race, age, sexual orientation, personality, disability, religion, beliefs and gender and overall...