Assessor's Award Reflection Account

I started my assessors’ award with having to do with question to enable me understand the principles and practices of assessment. And having gone through the question, it has given me the indebt of knowledge and understanding of what is required to be a competent assessor.
My practical experience as a trainee assessor started with an allocation of two candidates of health & Social Care. And my first contact with them was to carry out an induction, whereby I formally introduced myself about what I will be doing with them. That is to plan, assess, and judge evidence of two units of the award.
I started with letting them know about their award, which involves reading the candidate handbook to identify units, learning outcomes, assessment criteria’s and the credit requirement to complete the award. I communicated this in the language that was simple and understandable.
Next, I discussed about different assessment method explaining how, they are being used to collect evidence and why they valid, reliable, sufficient and authentic judgement.
I explained the college policies and procedures on health & safety, data protection, equality & diversity so as to enable them to know their right and compliance to legal requirement.
I informed the candidate about the observation method which is natural occurring evidence that captures competence and that it will be jointly agreed at a specific time, date, place with permissions and consent.
After this meeting candidate attended workshop. And they were given unit agreed on. I then planned the evident submission with candidate. On submitting each evident, I judge the evident against the assessment criteria and gave feed back to the candidate what had been achieved during recommendation.
Areas that had not been met, I used development feed to signpost the learners to the action plan so as to understand and achieved unit to be sign off .I have ensured that all the assessment...