Assessment of Cognitive Functioning

Assessment of cognitive functioning with psychological measures |

Plomin and Petrill (1997) citied in (Foxcroft & Roodt; 2009) emphasized that although men are created equal, does not mean that all men are created the same. The framework or perspective that we use to view people will affect the way in which we interpret our observations and measurements results. (Foxcroft & Roodt; 2009).
There are many different theories of cognitive functioning or intelligence and approaches to the measurement of intelligence. Walsh and Betz (1995) states that “the way in which we conceptualize the construct (intelligence) determines our approach to measuring it”. Meaning that the approach one adopts with regard to intelligence will determine the measurement being used.  
This essay will present two theories underlying the group test of intelligence, based on the psychometric approach and a learning potential test, based on the dynamic assessment approach, indicating the value of each approach given the context. It will secondly provide an example of each test that would be used in assessment process and justify the choice of the example.

The psychometric approach defines intelligence as ‘what intelligence test measure’. (Foxcroft & Roodt; 2009). It focuses on how well people perform on standardized aptitude tests. The intelligence quotient represents how a person has done on an intelligence test compared to other people.   It deals with the structure of intelligence and the measurement of individual differences in psychological characterises, such as intelligence. (Walsh & Betz; 1995). The psychometric approach focus is on the product rather than the process of learning as opposed to dynamic assessment approach.
Intelligence is an unobservable trait, the nature of intelligence is inferred from observable behaviour namely performance on a test. This information is used to confirm or adapt theories on...