Assess Own Leadership Behaviours and Potential in the Context of a Particular Leadership Model and Own Organisations Working Practices and Culture,

2.1 Assess own leadership behaviours and potential in the context of a particular leadership model and own organisations working practices and culture, using feedback from others
To determine which leadership style and behaviour I practise, I decided to examine Lewin’s research into leadership styles. The three leadership styles established where Authoritarian (Autocratic), Participative (Democratic) and Delegative (Laissez-Faire) leadership which can be seen in section 1.1 page 4.
My current role involves supervising 86 employees which are shared out between 3 supervisors. I provide leadership to each of these employees on a daily basis providing advice, resources, guidance, instructions etc. I have been in this role for 3 years since the structure change took place.
I completed an online quiz to assess my leadership style which is based on Lewin’s leadership research. After completing the quiz it was indicated that my leadership style was Participative (Democratic). The quiz and results can be seen in appendix 1.
The results from my leadership quiz where not surprising as the City and County of Swansea encourage all managers and heads of service to take this type of participative approach. All employees are involved in decision making within their job role as they know the task better than senior management as they carry it out on a daily basis. This is apparent within my department as the moral of the team is high which promotes a healthier and more pleasant place to work with extensive training provided and encouraged career prospects.  
I also asked for feedback from various employees and also my team leader on my leadership style. I adapted lewin’s questionnaire and asked them to complete it as honest and assured them that it was confidential. The questionnaire can be seen in appendix 2.
The feedback from the questionnaire showed that my leadership style was participative, which is a match to the questionnaire I had previously completed myself. This...