Ash Ese 633 Week 5 Assignment Collaborative Problem Solving

ASH ESE 633 Week 5 Assignment Collaborative Problem Solving
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In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of the following learning objectives:
Analyze ways to create a collaborative school culture to promote professional growth and leadership;  Determine some of the causes of education-based conflict. Evaluate problem solving and negotiation strategies to resolve education-based conflict. Recognize the importance of knowing personal strengths and weaknesses in conflict resolution.  Justify the collaborative role of transition team members who actively participate in transition meetings. 
Additionally, the assignment represents your mastery of Course Learning Outcomes 1, 2, & 3.
Providing tools for academic success to students with disabilities is a collaborative effort. Sometimes however, individuals within the collaborative team face conflict due to a strong emotional or professional investment from a particular member. Examples of education-based conflict include disagreements over the allocation of limited resources and funding, differing curriculum delivery methods, class behavior management styles, misinterpreted conversations (due to cultural differences, communication styles, personal or professional backgrounds, and other differences), and misunderstanding of professional roles, school policy, and other school or district-based guidelines. Chapter 9 in your Murawski and Spencer (2011) text outlines the causes of conflict and how to problem-solve through negotiation strategies with peers and in a collaborative team setting. 
The collaboration steps, as defined by Windle and Warren’s (n.d.) Collaborative Problem Solving: Steps in the Process, are listed below. Use the headings named in this section within your paper. 
Before the Meeting - Interests and Options (1...