
The Zulu Tribe Of South Africa
Anthropology 101
April 8, 2013

The Zulu (African People) are the largest South African ethnic group, with an estimated
10–11 million people living mainly in the province of KwaZulu- Natal, also referred to as KZN
is a province of South Africa.   The term Zulu refers to Nguni speaking people in KwaZulu, the
Zulu are a branch of southern the southern Bantu; The term Bantu is derived from the word for
"people" common to many of the Bantu languages.   In the early 19th   century the Zulu clan was
Created by Shaka, by uniting with the Nguni.   Shaka was a son of Senzangakhona, ruler of an
insignificant small chiefdom, the Zulu.   The Zulu tribe   raised cattle and farm corn and
vegetables for subsistence purposes. The men and herd boys are primarily responsible for the
cows, which are grazed in the open country, while the women do most, if not all, of the planting
and harvesting, which made them agriculturists.   In the following we will discus the beliefs and
values, gender relations, kinship, sickness and healing and the political organization of the Zulu
nation.   We will discuss how culture impacts many aspects of   Zulu life.

The beliefs and values of the Zulu people believe in a creator god (Nkulunkulu), who is
above interacting in day-to-day human affairs. It is possible to appeal to the spirit world only by
invoking the ancestors (AmaDlozi) through divination processes. As such, the diviner, who is
almost always a woman, plays an important part in the daily lives of the Zulu. It is believed that
all bad things, including death, are the result of evil sorcery or offended spirits. No misfortune is
ever seen as the result of natural causes. Another important aspect of Zulu religion is cleanliness.
Separate utensils and plates were used for different foods, and bathing often occurred up to three
times a day. Christianity had difficulty gaining a foothold among the Zulu, and when...