Animal Testing

I am speaking to you today, because of the recent debate on animal testing, for the purpose of research. People debate whether it is a pointless cruel activity or a necessary evil. To compare these attributes is to distinguish the beneficially aspects of animal testing and how it is involved in our continuous existence of both us and other animals. However, those who are against animal testing are ignorant of their constant use of products used in their everyday life. Imagine a world were we die from a simple flu? Imagine the destruction we would cause by releasing these untested products to the public. Imagine the effects they would cause on our environment. Imagine worrying whether this antidote would be your savior or the end to humankind? The harsh reality of animal testing is that its a necessary evil.   But in saying that some countries mistreat animals in cruel and unimaginable ways and take the animals sacrifice as a chance to abuse their rights. However, in Australia we have clear rules and regulations placed to protect the rights and safety of animals.
Virtually every medical achievement for humans and veterinary health in the past century has depended directly or indirectly on research on animal testing. For example, insulin is now able to help control diabetes with the use of animal research on dogs and fish. In saying so, many diabetic patients today would not be alive or maintaining a functional lifestyle. On a personally note, I am grateful of this cure because it saved my mother and brothers life, as well as many others. And for that I do see the positive aspects of animal testing, because I am surrounded and thankful for it everyday. Its foolish of those who oppose animal testing to say “its unnecessary” when they are not the ones who are exposed to these harmful diseases. For example, in Melbourne, Brunswick the measles outbreak was controlled and prevented with two shot of vaccines which is provided to Australians due to animal testing the...