
contributed to your understanding of individuals and societies?
    I was a student at a national school before I came to IB. Becoming IB student influenced to my life directly in a good way, altered my perceiving point of view and contributed to my understanding of individuals and societies better and clearer than ever! Thanks to IB I feel myself completely ready to the life. And now I will demonstrate by giving some evidences and elucidate the claim that actually, learning literature and science can assist to understand individuals and societies.
    If we go deeper we will insinuate that really it is possible to understand individual and society by learning literature and science. First I want to explain the impact of literature in this field. As a matter of fact, literature represents people, their culture, their tradition, beliefs and so on. We all know that our life manner in the past in comparison with the present was completely in a different way. People had different point of view about society, they were realizing people, their behavior regarding to the existing, I mean to old conception. Nowadays, we are having better life; we have much more suitable condition for living. What I mean is that with the help literature we can define how was our life manner, what kind of condition we had in the past etc. For instance, writers have always dealt in their novels and, poems about society, its people and some of us may even grow through our literary journey with stories and books. In a word, all our past is keeping in every line of poems or novels. This “treasure” has been reflected in literature. At the same time, through learning, studying the literature our world outlook develops.
  Whether science refers to human sciences such as sociology, economics, anthropology and psychology we can argue on this claim. I guess, that is really the only science which tells us about society and individual. We know that human scientists study, as the name suggests,...