Afl Activities

1. Mid-unit assessment
Having an assessment at the end of a unit may not provide time for you to go over areas children have struggled with, or in which there are general misconceptions. Timing assessment during a unit (i.e. lesson 5 of 7) allows time to review, reflect and revisit. It also gives the teacher an opportunity to focus explicitly on areas of weak understanding supported by evidence.

2. Child Review
Children s review their own learning either in groups or individually. This could be done as a plenary, a mini-plenary or as an activity to help planning for future revision or the remainder of the unit.

3. Traffic-Light Revision
When revising a topic or subject, work through the different areas with children and ask them to traffic light according to their grasp of each. Subsequently, children should be able to target their revision more carefully and engage in it actively, rather than simply reviewing everything they have done or reading passively over their entire notes.

4. Think through Talking
Talking allows children to articulate their thoughts and thus to learn. Encourage thinking through talking with –
    - Discussion activities
    - Structured group/pair work
    - Modelling by teacher and students
(small group work increases the ‘surface area’ of talk in the classroom as opposed to whole class discussions)

5. All you know
Children write down everything they know about ________ at the start of the unit. The teacher can then teach the unit accordingly, using existing knowledge and avoiding repetition.

6. KWL
At the beginning of a topic children create a grid with three columns –
What They Know;
What They Want To Know;
What They Have Learnt.
They begin by brainstorming and filling in the first two columns and then return to the third at the end of the unit (or refer throughout) .
Variation – extra column ‘How Will I Learn’

7. Talk Partners
As a plenary or a starter referring to the last lesson, pupils share with a...